SFZC Needs Candidates for Board Membership

SFZC Needs Candidates for Board Membership

San Francisco Zen Center seeks candidates to serve on its Board of Directors. We are asking everyone in the Sangha to help identify people who could contribute and would be willing to serve. In recruiting candidates, our priorities include continuing to make the board...
Arbor Day at Green Gulch Farm

Arbor Day at Green Gulch Farm

Sunday, November 27, 2016, 1 – 4:30pm Please join us to inaugurate a new autumnal planting date for our longtime Arbor Day tradition! In the spirit of giving thanks to the earth, we will plant with the early rains to establish deep roots over the winter. You are...
Outreach November 2016

Outreach November 2016

Thanks to the generosity of our friends, we collected 127 pairs of socks during the month of October for the Gubbio Project, which offers shelter and food to homeless men and women in the Tenderloin and the Mission. Our book sale, the proceeds of which fund all of our...