Writing is a solitary practice, but … it’s not lonely. At every stage I’ve felt community—the writing community, the arts community, and the sangha.
SFZC Visits Sokoji for Obon
After a brief outdoor dedication, Rev. Kurotaki called on each participant to gently set the lantern of their ancestor afloat.
SFZC Engages in Healing and Reconciliation with Indigenous Nations
How do we want to be “good guests” on ancestral land of indigenous people who haven’t consented to our being there?
City Center Priests Visit Sokoji
Our July visit occurred in the middle of Obon, a time to remember and honor those who have died.
Not Sticking To Enlightenment: Awakening the Archive, Tape 26
“Just as you accepted your painful legs [during sesshin], you accept difficult everyday life.”
Lay Ordination: Awakening the Archive, Tape 25
The important thing is to say “Hai!” or “Yes, I will!” In this way, without having ideas about helping, “Just to be with people will be enough.”
Shosan Ceremony: Awakening the Archive, Tape 23
“Dharma is the thing to which every one of us have been striving for, and will strive for. It is not only you, but all the patriarch and sages.”
Jukai Ceremony at Green Gulch Farm 6/5
Jiryu Rutschman-Byler offered the precepts to two people in a jukai/lay initiation ceremony at Green Gulch Farm on June 5.
Bodhidharma: Awakening the Archive, Tape 22
“[T]he first principle is, you know, the principle which is—which you cannot talk about. And which we transmit … from master to master.”