Meet Kei Van Arnam, Bringer of Joy to the City Center Temple
Kei sees her role as important as we’re bringing back and re-enlivening City Center’s public offerings and classes as an urban temple.
Kei sees her role as important as we’re bringing back and re-enlivening City Center’s public offerings and classes as an urban temple.
Receiving the precepts from Kyoshin Wendy Lewis was Mark Rivera and from Anshi Rosalie Curtis was Parul Bajaj.
“I had put myself in a box based on ideas my self-limiting mind makes—and for a moment I was exactly who I was. I felt a sense of liberation.”
“The pandemic was a challenging time. It asked new and experienced students alike to deepen their practice. There was both suffering and joy in that.”
Shin San Shiki means ascending (shin), the mountain (san), ceremony (shiki). The mountain is the temple that a teacher would consider their “seat.”