Dear Friends,
In our last post, we mentioned that plans were developing for Blanche to move to a different assisted living facility where she could have a private room. Since that time, Blanche has talked further with her family and has decided she does not wish to move at this time.

From Blanche’s 85th birthday (Photo: Daigan Gaither)
After looking into it, she expressed concern about feeling isolated in a private apartment where she would spend most of her time. At AgeSong, where she lives currently, she feels she has made some good connections and enjoys her roommate. She said, “I have lived in community so long, that I want to stay in community.”
So, for now, Blanche will remain where she is. You may still send cards and letters to Zen Center, and we will see that she receives them. If you have any questions or concerns about Blanche or her current care, please contact Danielle Macias at 415.354.0378 or
Zesho Susan O’Connell
SFZC President