June 23, 2015
PHOTOS: More from Renshin Bunce
Blanche with Sewing heirs Cynthia Gair and Renshin

Blanche with Sewing heirs Cynthia Gair and Renshin

Tova, Michael Wenger, Tony Patchel, Blanche, Renshin, Darlene Cohen,

Tova Green, Michael Wenger, Tony Patchel, Blanche, Renshin, Darlene Cohen, Dec 2000



Every morning at Tassajara when we left the zendo after breakfast, Blanche would stand to review the day with the Tanto and the Shuso.  The sight was an indelible part of Tassajara life.  Here she is with Maiya Wender and Ingen Breen.

Robed Blanche

Blanche in her most formal Okesa

Blanche and Renshin Tasssajara

Blanche and Renshin Tasssajara

At the end of the Fall 2001 practice period at Tassajara with Renshin Bunce, in the background are Dennis O’Reilly, Lantz Warrick and Tanto Myo Lahey.

Blanche and Lou

Blanche and Lou

Ahhhh Resting

Ahhhh Resting

Blanche at the end of the Women in Buddhism conference held at City Center in 1999 or 2000.  This was one of Lou’s favorite pictures, as it showed both the formality and the relaxation of our practice.


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