by Web Editor | Jun 4, 2014 | Features, News
In this interview Letitia Bartlett shares a little about her extensive background in yoga and theatre and the unique perspective that this experience brings to her teaching style. Letitia Bartlett will co-lead with Kanzen David Zimmerman Balanced and Awake: Zen and...
by Web Editor | Jun 4, 2014 | Features, News
Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?—Mary Oliver Sooner or later, we all seem to get to a point at which we ask ourselves how do we live a fulfilling life. And yet, so often years go by without our allowing...
by Web Editor | Jun 3, 2014 | Arts & Culture, Features, News
Remember getting lost in a line of a poem? Time stops, our thoughts quicken, as we discover the meaning of the line and in the process uncover the meaning of our human experiences, gain wisdom, even be transformed. That is why it will be such a delight to spend three...
by Web Editor | May 7, 2014 | News
“Uncertainty is a certainty in our lives,” notes Lee Klinger Lesser, a teacher in sensory awareness who has plenty of real life experiences to base this observation on. In this moving and intriguing interview Lee shines a light on the places we have a...
by Web Editor | May 5, 2014 | Arts & Culture, Features, News, Zen Practice
Por la primera vez este verano nos da mucho gusto ofrecer un retiro de Zen y Yoga en Español. Este retiro presentará las prácticas de Zen y yoga dentro de un ambiente caluroso y familiar. En esta entrevista con Myozen Joan Amaral y Mireya Segura, las maestras del...