An Unusual Visitor Awakens Compassion
During the hour of Linda’s visit with Noodle, many residents stopped by and were captivated by the gentle, cuddly elder dog.
During the hour of Linda’s visit with Noodle, many residents stopped by and were captivated by the gentle, cuddly elder dog.
On Kilian’s altar, there’s a photo of his 2009 jukai group in the City Center courtyard; he sees it and thinks, “That’s home.”
The room was filled with joy, love, and laughter which felt even more special after two years of pandemic social distancing.
Most of the classes offered on Online Learning were live Zoom classes offered during the last few years, repackaged with added material.
Help prepare hot meals for the San Francisco Interfaith Council’s Winter Shelter program or purchase a $50 gift card for Clara House.