March 18, 2025
Beginner’s Mind Temple Rededication Ceremony


On February 22, 2025, SFZC welcomed sangha members to a Rededication Ceremony celebrating the concluding stages of a year-long renovation of City Center. City Center Abiding Abbot Doshin Mako Voelkel gave a Dharma talk entitled “Renewed Space, Timeless Practice” and read a Dharma statement during the ceremony (see below). The joyous Rededication Ceremony was followed by tours of the revitalized temple and a public lunch for all who attended.

After a 14-month closure for this renovation, City Center is almost fully open (the bookstore will open some time in April.) Please stop by!

Dharma Statement on February 22nd, 2025


On this most auspicious day, within the ten directions & three times,
We solemnly gather here to rededicate this great
Beginner’s Mind Temple,
Established through the compassionate vow of our founder,
Shogaku Shunryu Daiosho


We entreat earth spirits & protecting devas to come bear witness.
Through the unfathomable workings of causes & conditions,
May this sacred vessel of dharma transmission manifest anew,
Each beam & pillar resonating with wisdom beyond wisdom,
Each threshold opening to a field of practice-realization.


May the pure light of our Ancestors illuminate this hall,
And the virtuous spirits of this ground continue their ancient protection.
With profound gratitude, we offer this blessing to
Buddhas & Ancestors – whose virtue & merit flow without ceasing.


Invoking the radiant protection of Venerable Deva Ida,
May this temple forever serve as a sanctuary of peace,
Where the Way is practiced without hindrance,
Where Wisdom & Compassion flow without ceasing,
Benefiting all beings throughout space & time,
And guiding countless generations to complete liberation.


Let us bow in deepest reverence as we celebrate this
Moment of great Joy.