January 14, 2025
Tassajara Summer Retreats 2025

Photo by Ty Greenstein


San Francisco Zen Center is pleased to announce that Tassajara will be offering an inspiring array of retreats this summer!

These Zen meditation and interdisciplinary arts retreats are geared towards guests who are interested in immersing in practice and nature under the guidance of some of our most established teachers. We are pleased to offer a selection of our most popular past retreats (such as Zen and Yoga), as well as exciting new offerings that explore practice and leadership, traditional Zen studies, poetry, family life, and more.

We encourage you to register as soon as possible, as Tassajara retreats tend to sell out quickly.

We look forward to welcoming long-time retreatants, new guests, friends, and the wide SFZC community to our beautiful valley in 2025!

April 30–May 4
Being At Tassajara: Esselen Teachings, Zen Wisdom, and Ecological Knowledge – Sold out
with Tom Little Bear Nason, Diane Renshaw and Leslie James

April 30–May 4
Swimming Dragon Daoist Walking Qigong – Sold out
with Dr. Liping Zhu

May 7–11
True Body, True Self: Radical Presence Through Zen and Yoga – Sold out
with Christy Brown and Ango Sara Tashker

May 13–18
Embodied Joy and Ease: A Zen And Yoga Retreat – Sold out
with Particia Sullivan and Eijun Linda Cutts

May 20–25
Words Under the Words – Sold out
with Ryushin Paul Haller and Naomi Shihab Nye

May 21–25
Sangha of the Wild: Cultivating Kinship with the Tassajara Wilderness
with Fletcher Tucker and Abbot Dōshin Mako Voelkel

May 29–June 1
Zen and Modern Leadership
with Sozan Michael McCord and Tierney Powers

June 3–8
Maintaining Lightness of Being in Heavy Times: A Zen and Yoga Retreat – Sold out
with Tenzen David Zimmerman and Maya Lev

June 3–8
The Humor, Surprise and Sublime Wisdom of the Pang Family – Sold out
with Sokaku Kathie and Zoketsu Norman Fischer

June 10–15
The Practice of Liberation and Awakening: A 5-day Zen Practice Retreat – Sold out
with Ryushin Paul Haller and Gil Fronsdal

June 24–29
Harmony Within and Beyond: Cultivating Wellbeing and Wholeness
with Gendo Lucy Xiao 玄道

June 24–29
Dogen’s Teachings on the Eight Qualities of a Great Person
with Abbot Tenzen David Zimmerman

July 1–6
Easeful Body, Peaceful Mind: A 5-day Yoga and Zen Retreat – Sold out
with Tenzen David Zimmerman and Athena Pappas

July 8–13
Tassajara Summer Family Program – Sold out
with Meikyo Chelsea True and Junsen Shelly Hughes

July 15-20
Leaning into the Liminal: Cultivating Resilience Through Buddhist Practice (NEW)
with Thulani DeMarsay, PhD and Heather Shoren Iarusso

July 15–20
Genzo-e Retreat on Dogen’s “Beyond Buddha”
with Kokyo Luminous Owl Henkel

July 29–August 3
Cultivating Bodhisattva Virtues: The Perfections as a Path to Living Fully
with Dōshin Mako Voelkel and Dawn Neal

July 29–August 3
Tassajara Sangha Week – Sold out
with Thiemo Blank

August 5-10
Becoming Yourself: Practicing Suzuki Roshi’s Teaching (NEW)
with Jiryu Rutschman-Byler

August 12–17
The Path to Wholeness
with Ryushin Paul Haller and Jonah Willihnganz

August 12–17
Easy as Breathing: Mindful Writing for Women – Sold out
with Chikudo Catherine Spaeth and Cynthia Cummins

August 26–31
Step Into your Life: A Zen Inspired Retreat
with Marc Lesser

August 26–31
Tassajara Sangha Week
with Tim Wicks

September 4–7
Satori and Salutations: Opening to the Heart of Zen and Yoga – Sold out
with James Higgins with Dōshin Mako Voelkel


If you’re interested in a longer stay at Tassajara this summer, consider applying for our Summer Practice program. The season begins on April 8 and ends on September 22, and students are welcome to stay for the whole summer or for a shorter period. There is no fee to apply or participate! See this page for details, and fill out a Summer Practice Application to join us for an unforgettable summer experience.

Stay tuned for announcements about other ways to come to Tassajara in 2025, including public Sangha Weeks, practice events, and more.