Left to right: Claire Bergmann, Fiona Lennox, Charles Kennedy, Shosan Victoria Austin, Richard Bae, Doshin Mako Voelkel, Sozan Michael McCord, Tenzen David Zimmerman and Darren Keast. Photo by Shundo David Haye.
Congratulations to the initiates who received the precepts in a Jukai Ceremony at SFZC’s City Center on January 20th.
Receiving the precepts from Shosan Victoria Austin: Claire Bergmann – Koryu Keishin / Merging Streams, Interbeing Faith; Fiona Lennox – Fukuden Jissho / Field of Blessing, Harvesting Light and Charles Kennedy – Shizan Kogai / Mountain of Service, Transcend Aeons.
Receiving the precepts from Sozan Michael McCord through Doshin Mako Voelkel: Richard Bae – Seizan Shinkan / Sincere Mountain, Heart (of) Generosity.
And receiving the precepts from Tenzen David Zimmerman: Darren Keast – Monshin Seido / Inquiry Forest, Becoming (the) Way.

Initiates receiving the precepts. Photo by Shundo David Haye.