San Francisco Zen Center is grateful for the Sangha’s support of Zen-a-thon 2022, our annual peer-to-peer fundraising campaign. Thanks to your help, we were only 12% away from reaching our goal! Each donation was received with deep appreciation and a recognition that the practice and teachings of Zen continue to be an important part of our lives.
As a thank-you to our friends and supporters, there were four gatherings in June to celebrate Zen-a-thon 2022—the Pride Parade, a rural hike in Marin, an urban hike in San Francisco, and zazen and tea at City Center. These were some of the first in-person events that SFZC offered after the pandemic closures and so were especially sweet and joyful.
We hope you enjoy this gallery of photos from the gatherings. (Note: Sadly, there is only one photo of the tea but we were having such a good time, we forgot to take pictures!)
As enormous changes continue to shake our world, may we all deepen our commitment to bringing the wisdom and compassion of the Buddha to all who seek it.