There was a Jukai/Lay Initiation Ceremony at City Center on January 7, 2017. Photos by Sandy Lamerson.
Receiving the precepts were Timothy Sandoe – Ryo Zan Kei Shin/Flowing Mountain Joyous Truth; Vanya Bekrenev – Kei Shin Zen Do/Respecting Truth Zen Way; and Kathleen Turner – Ji Kō Kai Getsu/Compassionate Activity Ocean Moon.
The preceptors were Arlene Lueck for Timothy, Anshin Rosalie Curtis for Kathleen, and Shokan Jordan Thorn for Vanya.
Congratulations to all!
More photos by Sandy Lamerson.

Robe chant after initiates received their rakusus.

Timothy Sandoe with Arlene Lueck

Anshin Rosalie Curtis with Kathleen Turner

Shokan Jordan Thorn with Vanya Bekrenev