November 10, 2016
SFZC Needs Candidates for Board Membership

San Francisco Zen Center seeks candidates to serve on its Board of Directors. We are asking everyone in the Sangha to help identify people who could contribute and would be willing to serve.

tassajara-sanghaweek2013_florianbrody-450In recruiting candidates, our priorities include continuing to make the board more diverse and inclusive; adding members with backgrounds and skills in special areas such as finance, nonprofit governance, fundraising, and technology; and continuing to emphasize a commitment to our practice and the precepts.

There are two forms of board membership: “general” members, who are chosen from within the community and serve for (up to two) three year terms, and “appointed” members, who are generally from outside the immediate Sangha but have special skills or perspectives to contribute. Appointed members typically serve one-year terms that can be renewed. We currently have an opening for one “general” member for a term starting in January 2017 — but several more openings will be coming up in the next year and we would like to have a “pipeline” of eligible candidates. There are also slots for “appointed” members, to be filled as appropriate.

If you know of someone you would like to propose as a board member (including yourself), please get in touch with the Secretary, Jeremy Levie, at or 415-354-0376.

Thank you for any help you can give in making the governance and maintenance of our temples a vibrant and inclusive opportunity for practice.

Photo of Sangha Week at Tassajara by Florian Brody.