November 1, 2016
Self-Care and Self-Compassion in Caregiving

With Jennifer Block
In the Conference Center at 308 Page Street, next door to City Center.
Saturday, November 12, 9 am – 5 pm

Based in San Francisco, Jennifer Block is a nationally recognized educator and consultant to many organizations and businesses, conducting workshops that bridge spiritual, hospice, and contemplative care modalities. She is an Interfaith minister and one of the first Buddhist chaplains in the U.S.

In 2003, Jennifer founded the Buddhist Chaplaincy Training Program with Gil Fronsdal and Paul Haller at the Sati Center for Buddhist Studies in Redwood City, CA. From 2004 to 2011, she served as the Director of Education & Chaplain at Zen Hospice Project in San Francisco.

jenniferblock-chaplaincyinstws-200pxJennifer developed the Contemplative Caregiver Course as training and guidance in the development of balancing skills that support caregivers to sustain energy and compassion. Within the context of caregiving, it is important to develop compassion, empathy, and kindness towards ourselves. This class – Self-Care and Self-Compassion in Caregiving – offers skills and meditations for coping with the stresses of caregiving that can be applied in daily life. Rather than making global evaluations of ourselves as “good” or “bad,” self-compassion involves generating kindness toward ourselves as imperfect humans and learning to be present with the inevitable struggles of life with greater ease.

Features, News

Rev. Shūzan Uchiyama (1939–2025)

Rev. Shūzan Uchiyama Roshi 8/2/39 – 2/13/25 SFZC is saddened to announce that Shunryu Suzuki Roshi's nephew Rev. Shūzan Uchiyama Roshi passed away on February 13. His funeral will be held on April 2 at Rinso-in. Rev. Uchiyama was the son of Aiko-san, Shunryu Suzuki...