We are excited to invite you into the newly renovated City Center bookstore at 300 Page Street.

Bells, meditation cushions, ceramics – and books! Photo: Myles Cowherd

Arlene Lueck
Thanks to sangha volunteers and the residential community, the bookstore looks and feels welcoming and beautiful. Arlene Lueck, a longtime resident of Green Gulch Farm and Tassajara, has stepped into the role of bookstore curator/manager and she warmly invites everyone to drop in for a read in this precious dharma gate.
Our bookstore is using Zen aesthetic principles in a new way so that it feels closer to all the sacred spaces throughout the temple. The intention is to better support both dedicated practitioners and new minds with Buddhist books and resources. Using Japanese joinery and handcrafted cabinetry, we’ve broken open the space to better present the works of local artists like Richard Urban. Our collection of new dharma books, classics of American Buddhist literature, and sacred texts is an invaluable resource for scholars and lay practitioners alike.

Ceramics by local artist Richard Urban. Photo: Myles Cowherd
We’re now carrying an expanded selection of meditation cushions and you can try out all the different arrangements to find the support your body needs to maintain an upright posture in meditation. Whatever inspires your visit, know that Arlene, Abbot Rinso Ed Sattizahn, and the whole residential community at Beginner’s Mind Temple just want to encourage you in your practice.