Green Gulch Farm resident Ecosattvas woke up early on their sleep-in day on Friday, July 15, to embark upon a bodhisattva treasure hunt along the stretch of Highway One, writes farm manager Qayyum Johnson.

Left to right: Myoho, Jack, Emila, Sara, Qayyum, Duras, Steven, Isabelle, Ryan, Dina, and Zach. Photo: Jenny Hernandez (who also helped with the clean-up!)
Our mission: pick up every piece of MOOP (Matter Out Of Place) that has accumulated along our local stretch of what used to be called Star Route, from the ridgetop all the winding way down to the long line of Muir Beach mailboxes adjacent to the Ocean Riders stables and historic barn.
Somehow this road cleaning event — which happens a couple of times a year — is always the occasion of much joy and celebration. It feels like the easiest of gifts to endeavor to give: a pristine roadway in paradise for all the visitors to West Marin!
For years we’ve striven to formally ‘Adopt’ the highway through the state program, but so far we have failed to penetrate the inner sanctum of CalTrans in order to have a sign made that indicates how much we care about our local landscape. Nonetheless, it is a great way to give something back to the world for the privilege of living in such a bucolic setting, so full of wildlife and natural beauty. It also affords us a walk and and experience of the watershed that we never get when zooming along in our automobiles. The quiet of the morning shrouded in fog with the soundscape of birds and wind in trees is reward enough. More than enough.
For those of you who haven’t visited the temple in a while, please come! The swallows have arrived, spotted fawns are putting on weight, and humpback whales have been a daily source of local thrill as they move up the coastline toward their summering waters in the north. The temple itself has also just broken ground on a new structure to house our beloved bonsho bell and the new playground area is shaping up as a locus of joyous activity for the under-ten set. Thank you for all your kind support of this practice place.
Qayyum Johnson will be co-leading a six-week class with Wendy Johnson, An Introduction to Buddhism and Ecology, starting Sunday, September 11, at 7:45 am at Green Gulch Farm.