Adapted from City Center Tanto David Zimmerman’s opening remarks at a memorial service on June 13, 2016, for the victims of the Orlando shooting.

Avalokiteshvara, Bodhisattva of Compassion, at City Center.
Dear sangha,
Many of us are experiencing great sorrow and disbelief at the recent tragedy in Orlando. We are deeply saddened that one individual, whose mind may be clouded by ignorance and hate, has taken the lives of 50 people at a gay dance club in Orlando and injured 53 more. At this difficult time, we turn to our practice–to our loving, compassionate heart-minds–and hold everyone tenderly in Buddha’s embrace.
May we focus our hearts and minds now on unity, acceptance, and resilience rather than blame and hate. May we bring the world into our hearts and extend our loving kindness to those affected by this violent act.
May we turn our hearts and minds towards the conditions for realizing our Bodhisattva vow of freeing all beings from suffering and the causes of suffering.
Eyes of Compassion
Observing Sentient Beings
Assemble an Ocean of Blessings
Beyond Measure
—Lotus Sutra, chapter 25
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