June 24, 2015
Volunteers Needed to Keep the Zendo Open Monday Mornings through the Summer

As a result of a recent change, Monday mornings at City Center now through Labor Day will reflect the interim schedule (no formal zazen and service, though the zendo will be open during the usual times by volunteers); the Monday afternoon schedule remains as usual (see Daily Schedule).



An “interim schedule” means the regular schedule is optional for residents. In order for the zendo (meditation hall) to continue to be open for meditation, we need your help as volunteers to cover two simple positions on a week-by-week basis. Please consider signing up on the volunteer sheet near the zendo or contact the ino (ccino@sfzc.org) if you would like to volunteer to be doan (time keeper) or doorwatch on a Monday morning during the summer.

As always, we are very happy to make the zendo available to the public on a regular basis, and happy that non-residents participate in the early morning schedule!  Thank you for your contribution to continue this offering.