This last week, not one but two Zen Center families welcomed the new year with healthy new babies.
Stephanie and Thiemo Blank, longtime residents at Green Gulch Farm, were the lucky parents of the first baby of the year in Marin County: a baby girl named Lucia. She was born at 3:15 a.m. on January 1, and joins a brother, Miro. The Marin Independent Journal featured the story (see article).
Another longtime resident, Anna Malo, gave birth to a baby boy at home at City Center on January 5 at 2:30 p.m. He was named Orion, and also joins a “very proud” big brother, Xavier.
Both mothers are well and enjoying the new additions to their families. Congratulations to both families, and welcome to the little ones!

Lucia (left) and Orion (right).