September 30, 2014
Shine One Corner of the World—Membership Matters!

The ancient bodhisattvas found joy in doing small things, encouraged by the famous words in the Lotus Sūtra, “to shine one corner of the world.” It is enough if you just shine one corner of the world. That is enough.  —Talk by Shunryu Suzuki Roshi, Tassajara, 1969

Mmbrshp_postcard_image_x600Shunryu Suzuki had great confidence in each person’s ability to make a positive contribution to the world. Because of his unshakeable belief that even the smallest activity in support of the Dharma is valuable, many people came together to found and steward the San Francisco Zen Center. Today, the unique Dharma legacy of Suzuki Roshi is nurtured by the members and benefactors of Zen Center.

For new members who sign up during the month of October (2014), Zen Center will receive matching donations from current members who are participating in a special pledge challenge this year.

Become a member of San Francisco Zen Center today! You too can shine one corner of the world.

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