Submitted by Gretchen Rau, Governance Committee Chair
The San Francisco Zen Center Board of Directors presents the following list of nominees for three-year board terms, commencing January 1, 2015:
- Albert Kutchins
- Brian McCaffrey (second term)
- Margie O’Driscoll
- Jisan Anna Thorn
- Jon Voss

2015 board candidates (from left): Albert Kutchins, Brian McCaffrey, Margie O’Driscoll, Jisan Anna Thorn, Jon Voss.
For biographical information and statements, see the Board Candidates page under Governance on the main site. The board approved the list of nominees at its September 17, 2014 meeting, finding each candidate to have demonstrated a deep commitment to Zen Center and to possess the qualifications and capacity to lead, focus and guide Zen Center in carrying out its purpose: to express, make accessible, and embody the wisdom and compassion of the Buddha. While the board believes this slate will add exceptional leadership and expertise for Zen Center, the ballot will also permit voting members to write-in one or more eligible candidates as in years past; the candidates who secure the most votes will carry the election.
This year the board passed a resolution permitting the use of secure electronic transmission for the election of board members. This will reduce the costs and environmental impact associated with mailing and processing paper ballots. We encourage all voting members to make use of this new system in order to conserve Zen Center’s and the earth’s resources.
Members eligible to vote (with one year of continuous membership) will receive a letter in mid-October with their login credentials and voting instructions, including how to request a paper ballot.
If you would like to speak with any of the candidates or have questions in advance of electronic voting, please email Barbara Machtinger, Acting Secretary, at
We thank our candidates, who are prepared to contribute many hours supporting the organization, and the mission and people it serves.