The Zen Center Board met Wednesday, September 17, 2014, in the dining room at City Center.
The board approved a resolution authorizing a committee to pursue negotiations with the Bridge Housing Corporation for a development relationship that would lead to the eventual construction of senior housing.
The board approved a resolution asking Robert Thomas to continue developing plans for greatly expanding the center’s online presence—the “Fourth Practice Center.”
The board approved a series of changes in staff and employee work rules presented by the head of people policy, Mark Lancaster.
The board decided against selling a piece of land adjacent to Tassajara, known as the Pines, to the Wilderness Land Trust.
The board approved a motion rescinding the old policy establishing the EAR (Ethics and Reconciliation) Council, and directed the People Development Committee and the EAR Council, under the guidance of the central abbess, to craft new procedures that might resolve grievances more effectively and bring harmony to the sangha.
After the regular meeting, the board met with City Center residents and sangha members. A series of heartfelt responses from residents made clear the need for a new procedure to deal with harassment and grievance issues.
Finally, the board approved a slate of five names—two new, three holdovers—to be presented to the sangha in the next board election: Jisan Anna Thorn to succeed Gretchen Rau; Jon Voss to fill the current additional open position; and Albert Kutchins, Brian McCaffrey and Margie O’Driscoll to serve second terms.