August 19, 2014
It Isn’t Easy Being Red, Either: Frog Greeting Green Gulch Creek Restoration is Protected Species

This month as a big portion of the construction on buildings at Green Gulch Farm is wrapping up, the Green Gulch Creek Restoration Project is taking off. This work aims to recreate a more natural meandering course for the creek instead of being restricted by a concrete channel, thus enhancing native riparian habitat for many species and widening the floodplain.

On Wednesday of last week, there was great excitement as a worker discovered a live member of a threatened species that the project aims to benefit: a California red-legged frog. Here are a few images of the strikingly marked creature.

GGF Creek red-legged frog 3GGF Creek red-legged frog 6

GGF Creek red-legged frog 1The frog is one of four protected species that the project especially aims to benefit; the others are coho salmon, steelhead trout and dusky-footed woodrats. Any time a member of these protected species is located, restoration work stops until it is relocated to a safe spot.

Read more about the creek restoration, view plan maps and watch a short video about it on the Renovation and Restoration blog. You can also donate to help fully fund the project (see sidebar on the Renovation and Restoration blog).


Photos by Jennifer Michaud, MA, Sr. Wildlife Biologist, a member of our environmental consulting team, Prunuske Chatham, Inc.