Words cannot express. Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday morning we dedicate our morning service to you, at Ensho-ji, (Complete Illumination) Mt. Diablo Zendo.
I was having such a rough time when I came to your sitting group and eventually to Old Fig Zendo. I count my blessings for your support at that time, strong, and challenging, open, warm, joyful, patient and accepting. Old Fig, a great container within in which I was able to settle myself again. And through you, met Christine, my wonderful Dharma sister. I am so happy for both of you at this time of transmission. Tim and I recently met and talked about old times at Dharma Eye, laughed and cried. We’re still good friends. Thank you for your steadfast and upright Way and all you have done for ZC and so many many people. Far reaching. Because of you and Sojun and Grace, I was able to move through it, get a life and eventually create a place for others to practice. Mission accomplished. ; )
Much love to you and to Lane. I know you’re in good hands and spirit, so will not worry.
Many bows, Baika
Trout and Silvia
on November 3, 2013 at 9:30 pm
Silvia and I just returned to your news from our beloved erosions in Southern Utah . ‘Listened to your talk of a week ago. Sandstone and granite, and everyone who lives upon it, are certainly our bodies. Craig Childs wrote recently of realizing that he’d been scrambling through Canyonlands for so long that he no longer has prints on the tips of his fingers. Buddha’s body. It sure would be be wonderful to leave some of her oil right where it is.
“No old age and death,
and no extinction of them.”
To which Dogen adds,
“Firewood does not become ash.
Firewood is firewood. Ash is ash”
Enough between these two arrows to allow us to sit for a long time.
We, too, would not want to hear our children, and all our friends cry.
Sorry to tell you, but we’ve been crying over your journey.
Probably will cry some more.
Love to you and Lane and to your family,
Trout and Silvia
Richard Urban
on November 3, 2013 at 9:30 pm
Dear Myogen Steve,
I just wanted to thank you for marching with us up Market street in the Pride parade each year. That meant more to me than words could ever express. I remember your solid presence, walking gently through the space. Last year when I dressed as the Buddha you taught me some mudras that I could do while walking. It was a very powerful experience. Thank you for that.
In deep gratitude for the Dharma,
Richard Urban
Dear Myogen Steve,
Words cannot express. Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday morning we dedicate our morning service to you, at Ensho-ji, (Complete Illumination) Mt. Diablo Zendo.
I was having such a rough time when I came to your sitting group and eventually to Old Fig Zendo. I count my blessings for your support at that time, strong, and challenging, open, warm, joyful, patient and accepting. Old Fig, a great container within in which I was able to settle myself again. And through you, met Christine, my wonderful Dharma sister. I am so happy for both of you at this time of transmission. Tim and I recently met and talked about old times at Dharma Eye, laughed and cried. We’re still good friends. Thank you for your steadfast and upright Way and all you have done for ZC and so many many people. Far reaching. Because of you and Sojun and Grace, I was able to move through it, get a life and eventually create a place for others to practice. Mission accomplished. ; )
Much love to you and to Lane. I know you’re in good hands and spirit, so will not worry.
Many bows, Baika
Silvia and I just returned to your news from our beloved erosions in Southern Utah . ‘Listened to your talk of a week ago. Sandstone and granite, and everyone who lives upon it, are certainly our bodies. Craig Childs wrote recently of realizing that he’d been scrambling through Canyonlands for so long that he no longer has prints on the tips of his fingers. Buddha’s body. It sure would be be wonderful to leave some of her oil right where it is.
“No old age and death,
and no extinction of them.”
To which Dogen adds,
“Firewood does not become ash.
Firewood is firewood. Ash is ash”
Enough between these two arrows to allow us to sit for a long time.
We, too, would not want to hear our children, and all our friends cry.
Sorry to tell you, but we’ve been crying over your journey.
Probably will cry some more.
Love to you and Lane and to your family,
Trout and Silvia
Dear Myogen Steve,
I just wanted to thank you for marching with us up Market street in the Pride parade each year. That meant more to me than words could ever express. I remember your solid presence, walking gently through the space. Last year when I dressed as the Buddha you taught me some mudras that I could do while walking. It was a very powerful experience. Thank you for that.
In deep gratitude for the Dharma,
Richard Urban