Dear SFZC Members, Supporters, and Friends,
This past weekend we have been celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the incorporation of San Francisco Zen Center with ceremonies, Dharma talks, a party, publication of the Wind Bell, and other events and gatherings. This entire anniversary year has been an occasion to reflect with gratitude on what has amazingly become a well-established institution through the vision, commitment and dedicated efforts of many people.
This also is a moment to re-envision and re-dedicate our own efforts to sustain and extend the vital benefits of Zen Center—as a source of inspiration and realization of our true hearts’ intention. As we practice generosity and deepen our intention to cultivate wisdom and compassion in our conflict-ridden world, we invite you to support our “Widening the Circle” fund-raising campaign. Gathering sufficient financial resources is an essential step to improve the places where we practice, introduce new dharma gates and avenues for our wider sangha, and create an endowment that will provide some measure of stable support for our teachers and the on-going care of our temples and program offerings.
Because it takes vision and imagination to plant new seeds of Zen wisdom and compassion, we are inviting you to “imagine the world with more Zen” and to contribute to our community-wide efforts in this fund-raising campaign over the next year.
In 2009, the SFZC board identified a list of needs for our three temples and set a goal of $16.9 million to meet these needs. We have been extremely fortunate in receiving a phased challenge grant of $5.5 million from a long-time benefactor. To meet this challenge, we have been quietly soliciting support over the past several years. At this time we need to gather two million dollars more to completely meet the challenge. We believe that with your help we can reach this goal within the grant time limit in 2014.
All board members and senior teachers, joined by many members of Zen Center have already contributed to this campaign and are working to renew our pledges of support. We invite you to find out more about this opportunity and to join in supporting a world that includes our Zen Center in a way that thrives, and extends the beneficial influence of Suzuki Roshi’s foundational practice.
To learn more about the Widening the Circle Campaign, the endowment and projects included, please go to: Thank you for your continued support. May wisdom and compassion arise in all of your endeavors.
Bowing with Gratitude,
Central Abbot Myogen Steve Stücky and Board Chair Mary Morgan

Myogen Steve Stücky

Mary Morgan