Finding Calm & Spaciousness in the Valley
Our Program Director, David Zimmerman, returned recently from Tassajara with a few thoughts to share.

David Silva
“Whenever I am at Tassajara, even for a brief visit, I am joyfully reminded by the vast blue sky and the steadfastness of the mountains that the quality of stillness, calm and spaciousness that I experience in the valley is always here with me — always accessible, wherever I am — even in my somewhat hectic daily life in the city.
“Resting in the healing waters of the hot springs and the natural silence of the zendo and the surrounding wilderness, all my typical concerns and stressors appear as mere clouds, nothing to cling to and soon to pass. How grateful I am to have that inner wisdom refreshed and nurtured by the beauty of the wilderness and the community that is Tassajara, and by the generosity and practice of so many people — both guests and students — who contribute their love and labor to create a place of refuge. My heart and mind are enlivened whenever I remember that this place of refuge is always here, waiting for us to return, summer after summer, breath after breath.”
We hope you are able to join us during the next few months to find your own place of refuge, silence, and inner wisdom.