Justyn Zolli: Timeless Mountains, Endless Sea
Opening reception: Friday, February 17, 6:30-9pm

drawing 1
City Center Art Lounge
300 Page Street, SF
February 1-28
Justyn Zolli is a Visual Artist currently based in northern California. Justyn’s art practice encompasses abstract painting, drawing, printmaking, murals, and architectural art glass. He has exhibited his artwork in New York, Boston, San Francisco, and Yosemite, California. He most recently completed three large history and landscape murals for the new Visitor Center of the San Francisco Maritime National Park, open to the public in 2012. Justyn frequently travels into wilderness regions all over North America to work; photographing, drawing, and writing on his experiences in Nature. In his pursuit of inspiration, he has explored all manner of ecosystems, from ice caves, steaming volcanoes, ancient rain forests, and underground caverns to high deserts, alpine peaks, intertidal zones, and vast multicolored dunes. He studied at Rhode Island School of Design, Massachusetts College of Art and holds a BFA from The School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston / Tufts University.
Artist Statement

The Path 22 X 30 2011
“My art practice is a conversation with the timeless, the primal, and the elemental. My art is concerned with exploring the unifying qualities of light, and the flowing, visual rhythms discovered in my study of Nature. While my inspirations come from my experiences of landscapes, the elements, and the changing weather, my images remain abstract, and I am ultimately more interested in building up something from within than extracted from without. My work explores that relationship between Nature and the abstractions of the contemplative mind. I pursue my practice with the intention of communicating the universes’ great ‘interconnectedness’ and my own connections within it. As I work, I am always moving towards that moment of ‘transformation’ … from material to idea. I allow the process to evolve through me freely and intuitively, until that moment when a new image is brought forth and recognized. To understand the meaning or significance of a thing, one must ‘become’ the thing, harmonizing one’s consciousness with it, and thereby feel joined with it in compassion. The world is beautiful and radiant. My work in the Arts is my attempt to express and convey that simple truth.”
Contact: www.JustynZolli-VisualArtist.com

Ghost Moon print 2011

Emergence 11 X 14 2011