After a fulfilling summer of warm days, balmy evenings, cool waters, and warm laughter, the Tassajara Guest Season concluded on Sunday, September 11.

View of the Creek by Shundo David Haye
Tanto (Head of Practice) Zenshin Greg Fain gave the final Dharma talk of the season on Saturday night, on the topic of impermanence. He also noted a record number of people sitting zazen (seated meditation) that morning: 82 guests and students were present in the zendo at 5:40am. Inspiration may have been drawn from Greg’s genial meditation instruction the previous Thursday, in which he offered the thought that “One minute of zazen is one minute of Buddha.” Encouraging all to visit the zendo during their stay, the theme of Greg’s instruction was, “We welcome you warmly.”
From feedback received throughout the summer, staff in the Stone Office noted how much the new Retreat Center had added to the guest experience with its spaciousness and beautiful architecture.
Many who came to experience Tassajara this summer had never before visited or had simply long been away: First time guests came from all over the world, first time yogis participated in the season’s final yoga retreat, and former guests returned after a hiatus; one guest felt called back for a retreat after a 40 year absence.
Words like compassion, delight, and gratitude were spoken with abundance and one guest remarked that, though he wasn’t quite sure how, he “felt a little different each day.” By the final day of guest season, his irrepressible smile was wide and joyous.
We express our deep gratitude for allowing us to host you at Tassajara this summer (though one student said, quoting Abiding Teacher Leslie James, “It’s the guests who host us!”).
As retreat leader and Anusara yoga instructor Darcy Lyon remarked to retreatants, “Whatever it is that brought you here, you are welcome.” We look forward to seeing you again when spring arrives.