For the fourth year in a row, San Francisco Zen Center marched in the San Francisco Gay Pride Parade held this year on June 26.
Photos are by Tova Green, Romy Senderos, and Shundo David Haye.
The entire Zen Center Sangha was represented by folks from all three centers, as well as our friends from Hartford Street Zen Center. As has been our custom, our way is led by the Buddha and two devas strewing flowers. The crowd of walkers all calling forth the dharma in their own way. Over a thousand flyers were handed out inviting everyone to visit us. This year instead of a floating zendo, one of our sewing teachers, Tim Wicks, donated the use of “Dottie,” his ’63 Chevy pickup. Green Gulch Farm-ers did an amazing job decorating it with bamboo, and more paper flowers than we could use. Senior Dharma Teacher Zenkei Blanche Hartman again carried the practice of zazen into the overflowing crowd of noise. A great time in the sun as we, together with all beings, celebrate liberation and diversity. For the third year in a row, Rev. Tova Green of SFZC and Larry Yang of the East Bay Meditation Center led a well-attended sitting after the parade. This year around 30 folks sat and shared the energy of the day.
Plan to join Zen Center next year, the last weekend in June as we again Celebrate the Harmony of Difference and Equality, bringing joy and celebration and Sangha to all beings.
Click on photo for Picasa slideshow.