Last year, the Green Gulch Ecosattvas* revived a program to encourage carpooling to our Sunday meditation and dharma talk. Vehicles with two or more occupants park free for the Sunday program, and single drivers are asked for a donation of $5. The money received is reinvested in the environment, helping to cover the additional cost for Green Gulch to purchase 100% renewable energy through Marin Clean Energy.
Now, ridesharing visitors will be offered “muffin bucks” in addition to free parking. These can be used for a dollar off the purchase of the muffins offered at the tea following the Sunday dharma talk.
Muffin bucks will be given out by the sangha member collecting parking donations between 8:50 and 10 am on Sunday mornings, and will be offered to visitors whose ridesharing results in leaving an actual vehicle behind (eg, not from the same household).
Willing ridesharers are encouraged to connect with each other through a convenient email-based group. Simply send an email to to be added as a member of the group. For last minute carpooling, you can always swing by Manzanita Park and Ride on your way to Green Gulch. For more information, visit our Carpooling page.
*The Ecosattvas are a group of Zen Center residents dedicated to environmental action and awareness.